Monday, January 19, 2009

What's the Deal with the Inconsistent Posts?

Hello, faithful readers. Well, I must once again come to you "hat in hand" as they used to say. You may have noticed that I've missed the last three days of posting devotionals. In addition, on the days that I have posted recently, you have likely noticed a drop off in the quality of both the posts themselves and the "extras" added onto them.

The reason is simply this: I found out a little over a week ago that my current job is to be eliminated at the end of February. Consequently, most of my day is spent in the search for another job. While I am confident that something will turn up, until it does I probably won't be very consistent in blogging. I hope that you will all understand that you will be prayerful for myself and my family as we search for where God plans to put us next.

Thanking you in advance,
